Life on Peace and Plenty Farm

Sometimes mistakes in life take years to undo, or cost a fortune, or end up breaking your heart or body. Most of the time, those mistakes can be learned from, and though dearly earned, that wisdom serves well. Farming mistakes...
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I have around three weeks left of my "day job" in tech before I take the big leap, this time with Simon by my side, and become a full-time farmer.
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The panic was real today. I was in the chicken run working on setting up some temporary outside nesting boxes as back-up, when Bree, our Buff Orpington, made it very clear that she needed to get to her favorite box inside the chicken house to lay. It’s amazing how much an angry hen can sound like some ancient creature out of Jurassic Park.
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It came back as being Grade One - highest quality! Whooohoo! California-grown saffron ranks up-there with the best saffron in the world. Here is a short article by the International Organization for Standards, whose standards our saffron was measured with, about...
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I have some trauma about being left alone. It's too long of a story for now and perhaps too deep and sad for me to graze over, but suffice it to say that I should have probably spent some of the last 4 decades of my life in therapy to get a handle on it.
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