Life on Peace and Plenty Farm

Take what you eat and eat what you take OR Use what you've got
I thought about Bill and his philosophy of using what you have on hand and not taking more than you need today when I was taking photos of Simon's work on the chicken house.  We have been so fortunate to have so much wood and materials here on the farm leftover from previous owner's projects and just the accumulation of the years of use of this place. 
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Table to Farm, Farm to Table

In the last couple of weeks, the topic of food service, and my long history with it has come up and it's got me thinking about my long, windy path that lead to Peace and Plenty Farm.  I waitressed in San Francisco for decades, yes decades.  Some of those years, I was doing plenty of other things: going to school, raising my daughter, launching my catering business, but a good handful of those years, I was just waiting (borrowing from Debra Ginsberg's book of the same title for that zinger).  

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Taking Care of Yourself
It's almost 9 and we haven't had dinner yet.  We do this often, work till after dark, then stumble in to the kitchen, dirty and tired and so very hungry.  To get everything done that we feel we need to...
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Supporting the Arts
We are all about supporting the local food and art movement.  Are you shopping for a gift for someone special...planning ahead for Mother's Day?  Check out the lovely work of Elana Gabrielle.
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