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1 comment
We sent our saffron to the lab for testing and...

It came back as being Grade One - highest quality! Whooohoo! California-grown saffron ranks up-there with the best saffron in the world.
Here is a short article by the International Organization for Standards, whose standards our saffron was measured with, about how to distinguish between high quality saffron and not-so-great saffron. (Funnily, the article's main photo is not a photo of a saffron crocus, but the information is valid. I am writing them to ask them to correct the photo mistake).
I am a bay area resident and from a Saffron farming family with a history of three generations into commercial saffron farming business. I was really surprised to see someone has already begun growing saffron in California. I would love to see your farms and taste your variety and exchange our ideas and knowledge about the king of spices. Let me know if we can meet up and or talk.
Wasim S
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